The show itself Back when I watched The Clone wars, every episode was amazing, even cinematic. Ezra doesn't change at all for the entire show but apparently if the team thinks giving him a haircut gives him a personality change, then they are wrong. His design is even based off of concept art for Chewie. The characters Zeb is actually a knock-off of Chewbacca, except he can talk. They tried to hype up the show by revealing that the characters and models would be based off of concept art for the original Star Wars movies but since they are being paid a ton by Disney they don't put enough effort into the animation and it ends up looking really bad. Concept art It ends up being ruined by cringey animation. I wouldnt have a problem with this show if they just marketed it for little kids but i guess they think its a 'sequel to Clone wars'. They add things like Thrawn and Season trailers, things kids dont even know about. It is so obviously exclusively for little kids. (This review may be lengthy but worth the read as to advertise my distaste for this show) How come so many people love this show? I will literally list the countless problems with it below: Biggest issue: They need to stop marketing this show towards adults.
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